Wednesday 25 March 2015

How I wish I could live my childhood again...

How I wish I could live my childhood again
when love was but unconditional and knew no ifs and buts,
when hate was with food and not people,

How I wish I could live my childhood again,
when there was no need for a reason to laugh and make other laugh,
when cries never turned into sadness,

How I wish I could live my childhood again,
when every morning was a but new beginning without lamentations of past,
when future was non-existent,

How I wish I could live my childhood again,
when I lived my life the way I wanted oblivious of norms of society,
when only religion was play,

How I wish I could live my childhood again,
when imaginations knew no boundaries; even reaching space was a matter of play,
when only care was to be carefree,

How I wish I could live my childhood again,
When all I knew was sleep, love and play,
When all I knew was life is now or never.

How I wish I could re-live my childhood again,
How I wish I could enjoy the present just like a child,
How I wish I could forgive others just like a child,
How I wish I could spread happiness just like a child,
How I wish I could love without ifs and buts just like a child,
How I wish I could sleep soundly just like a child,
How I wish I could work just like play of child,

How I wish I let my child live his childhood to the fullest,
for this time is but not to come again.

How I wish I could live my childhood again…

Acknowledgement: I express my heartfelt gratitude to the group of enlightened souls called Golok Express and group of Mahatmas called Jivanmuktas,  for bestowing me with the knowledge that I could write this article. Many thanks to the LORD for choosing me as an instrument to spread this knowledge.

Disclaimer- This blog does not promote any religion, faith or sectarian thought. This blog is platform for sharing my journey to spiritualism. I apologize if any of the thought expressed in this blog is against any religious faith or belief.