Thursday 21 November 2013

What is Spiritualism?

Is it going to temple, church or mosque daily? Is it compassion for the poor? Is it being righteous in your deeds? Or is it reading religious scriptures? The answer is yes yet NO! Yes being righteous, worship, compassion, religious reading is part of spiritualism; but not spiritualism.

Then what is spiritualism? Spiritualism is way of life that takes you to spiritual abode. Hey are you kidding me…You are making plans for my death? Nay! Spiritual abode is right here only if you could perceive it. The end result of journey to spiritualism is state of happiness, peace, fearlessness and eternal bliss. So in simple words, spiritualism is way of life that would help you achieve permanent happiness.

Spiritualism is living in the present moment; not lamenting the past moments or planning for the distant future, yes planning is important but only for things you can control. And only thing you can control is your sincere efforts according to the situation you are put in daily.

Spiritualism is giving the best to each and every endeavor in life; whether you are doing an old boring job or an exciting adventure sports. Spiritualism is giving your best and at the same time understanding you cannot control the results; after all you cannot control the mood swing of your wife, or anger of your boss, choices of your consumer, for that matter you cannot control anybody around you.

Spiritualism means being satisfied; this does not mean you should not strive for comfort in life. The problem is that definition of comfort varies; taken that if each one of us could define what is our expectation from life with regards to wealth, possessions, career and most important relationships, and then striving in balanced way to reach that goal is spiritualism. Enjoying untimely rain on most awaited luxurious holiday is spiritualism; after all you cannot control rain? Forgiving your loved ones for not living up to your expectation is spiritualism; after all no relationship is perfect?

Spiritualism is being righteous; how you can be righteous when what you think is right is actually wrong for someone else? Should you approach a neutral person, government, religious scriptures, or you yourself? Of course you yourself…yes if you are true to yourself you know what is right; but remember if one is not true to oneself he can justify even killing a friend for good. The journey to reach righteousness is the journey of spiritualism.

Well, answering “what is spiritualism?” is beyond the capacity of any human brain…all I did was to pen down my understanding of spiritualism according to the ability bestowed by the all great Almighty. Let us embark on this journey to spiritualism together by sharing our understanding of SPIRITUALISM. So, please comment about your understanding of spiritualism.

Acknowledgement: I express my heartfelt gratitude to the group of enlightened souls called Golok Express,  for bestowing me with knowledge that I could write this article. Many thanks to the LORD for making me an instrument to write this blog.

Disclaimer- This blog does not promote any religion, faith or sectarian thought. This blog is platform for sharing my journey to spiritualism. I apologize if any of the thought expressed in this blog is against any religious faith or belief.


  1. Spiritualism is nothing but its our Dharma.

    We decide for today on the basis of the future, We'll be happy in future.We always trying to take decisions today ,for a happy future.Reflect your own life don't most of your decisions take the future into consideration?And why shouldn't they?Attempting to make one's life happy and smooth is everybody's right.But no body knows the future.It can only be imagined.Therefore all the important decisions of life are based on imagination.Could there possibly be a third path to making decisions?
    Ans is Yes:The basis of all happiness is DHARMA and that DHARMA resides in man's heart. So Before every decision do ask your heart if this decision is born out of Selfishness or Dharma.Instead of future if we consider dharma won't the future be happier?

    1. You are right...righteousness or DHARMA is key to spiritualism!

  2. All the above mentioned towards journey to spiritualism i.e.
    1. living in the present moment
    2. giving the best to each and every endeavor in life
    3. means being satisfied
    4. being righteous

    can be performed by any person for particular stance of life or for some duration. Can anybody REALLY perform for his complete life ?? I don`t think so....

    When we were kids, we strived hard to achieve something in life. Set some targets for us and then worked to achieve that. Also, we had back up plans ready.
    At our office, we are eagerly awaiting our annual increments and praise from BOSS????

    Isnt it???

    My point is that " Is spiritualism journey possible for us guys to start with. "

    Do we know anybody who has experienced spiritualism except the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna. (It would become easier for us to follow someone`s path ;;!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    1. Anshul,

      Thanks for sharing your views on Spiritualism and indeed your question is valid enough for discussion.

      The truth is that we all are one the Journey to Spiritual Abode, few of us are just on the start line and others might have walked few steps; for the journey is tough but not impossible. So let us discuss your question one by one:

      Question: Do we know anybody who has experienced spiritualism except the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna. (It would become easier for us to follow someone`s path ;;!!!!!!!!!!!!)

      Answer: Very true, Only GOD (whatever name we give him) has experienced spiritualism, intact he is the way to attain spiritualism and he is the destination of spiritualism too. We being a part and parcel of GOD can strive to attain his nature. The easiest path is devotion that is having unflinching faith in GOD and offering each of our action to HIM. The other paths are finding HIM through knowledge or meditation.

      Besides GOD, no one is perfect! Thus, all the great acharyas, religious teachers, Gurus etc. might have trod the path to spiritual abode to the best of their capabilities. It is to us to find whose spiritual journey leaves footprints right into our hearts, so that we can follow their path. But again we have to strive hard to find those footprints.

      Question: All the above mentioned towards journey to spiritualism i.e. 
1. living in the present moment
2. giving the best to each and every endeavor in life
3. means being satisfied
4. being righteous

can be performed by any person for particular stance of life or for some duration. Can anybody REALLY perform for his complete life ??

      Answer: When I started learning driving, I never thought that one day I could drive without putting conscious efforts, or for that matter cooking, prescribing medicines, bringing up a kid, writing blogs etc.; most of the tasks appear like a challenge in the beginning. In the same way, Spiritualism is yet the biggest challenge of life, for the result is incomparable; eternal peace and happiness. Let us put in little bit of our effort every day with faith in GOD and leave the results to GOD.

When we were kids, we strived hard to achieve something in life. Set some targets for us and then worked to achieve that. Also, we had back up plans ready. 
At our office, we are eagerly awaiting our annual increments and praise from BOSS????

Isnt it???

My point is that " Is spiritualism journey possible for us guys to start with.

      Answer: Very true, all our life we chase for success, but mantra is CHASING EXCELLENCE & SUCCESS will FOLLOW. How about teaching our kids to give their best to homework rather than showing the chocolate they would get after finishing their homework? This habit of giving incentive for small activities like home work, finishing food, getting ready, getting good marks, etc. has ingrained result-oriented thought in us from the very beginning. The result is we are unable to put efforts until we set targets in life. Ok if setting targets helps you putting in your best, then set targets but do not get attached with them. This means achievement of target should not inflate your ego and non-attainment should not dishearten you.
