Monday 2 May 2016

Life is a puzzle!!!

Isn't life a puzzle that has to solved at every moment?

Yesterday, I bought a 3D puzzle for my 6-year-old, and it turned out to be a nightmare to resolve. The complete family tried to put the pieces of puzzles together. However, we were unsuccessful till the midnight and had to leave it.

Next morning, our son was not satisfied wanted to solve the puzzle, and the family came over to rescue! In the beginning, it looked impossible to solve, but as the each part joined, it fueled our enthusiasm and determination to complete it.

As we were in this process, a realization dawned on me, had I given up the first day thinking the puzzle to be unsolvable, could I ever have the satisfaction of meeting up this challenge? Don't we face situations in our life? Don't we give up early many times without putting our sincere effort?

The puzzles that our life throws up can be solved provided that we keep the constant effort and have a firm belief that it can be addressed, and the answers unveiled themselves. The puzzle could be a bad personal/professional relationship, a difficult subject or a business challenge!

All we need to do is to hang out there, have a belief the solution is there and keep trying a different solution. As the pieces come together as they always do, we can realize the power of grit and determination.

Intellect is always overrated, but it the ability to hang on when the failure stares at us that defines who we are!! Capacity to say to yourself that "I will find the solution" is what separate the leaders from the followers.

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