Monday 10 February 2014

Are we teaching our kids to say lie everyday?

How many times do we say our kids “Close your eyes and sleep, otherwise police will come” or distract them from the mobile they want by pretending as if crow took it or it got lost? Why can't we speak that it is time to sleep or you cannot play with the mobile.

One fine day when kid comes back with the excuse that my friend broke the toy, we would scold him for telling a lie. Why cannot we speak the truth from very beginning, from the day child is born? Do we think they are too small to understand truth or we are finding easy way out to tackle the situation? Are we putting the responsibility of our inability of handling the kid on innocence of the little kid? Are we not compromising with the righteousness or “Dharma” of being a parent? Are we not teaching them to tell a lie everyday?  If the foundation of building is weak, can we dream of building skyscraper over it?

Let us revive the Dharma of parenting to build a responsible society and a nation; ultimately let us make our contribution in making this world a happy place to live.

Acknowledgement: I express my heartfelt gratitude to the group of enlightened souls called Golok Express,  for bestowing me with the knowledge that I could write this article. Many thanks to the LORD for choosing me as an instrument to spread this knowledge.

Disclaimer- This blog does not promote any religion, faith or sectarian thought. This blog is platform for sharing my journey to spiritualism. I apologize if any of the thought expressed in this blog is against any religious faith or belief.


  1. I think in day to day life one needs a hell lot of committment to be a gud parent. We can easily telk our kids d truth but we should be ready to face the queries also and these days whrn both parents are working, it is very difficult. If one is able to follow the dharma thn nothing better thn that...

    1. Very is the weakness of our heart that we resolve to easier way out. It takes courage and intelligence to answer the questions of kids.
