Saturday 17 May 2014

Are you really living your life?

This video clipping is part of one of the most popular epic on Indian small screen “MAHABHARAT”; and the LORD KRISHNA, the God himself is speaking:

“Another name for future is struggle! If our desire remains unfulfilled, then mind keeps on imagining that that desire will be fulfilled in the future. But life is neither in future nor in the past, life is in this very present moment. Experiencing the present moment is experiencing life. Despite knowing this, we fail to understand this truth. Either we are surrounded by past memories, or we are planning for future; and the life passes away. But if we accept this truth that neither we can foresee the future, nor we can create the future; we can only welcome the future with courage. Wont every moment of life filled with life?”

How many times we are actually in the present moment? Let us see! I am playing with my child but my mind is roaming in the kitchen “what to cook today”, on my laptop “lot of work is pending” or on my phone “Whats app or Facebook updates”. Dint I miss the little hands building the blocks, stress relieving innocent smile of my child, infact all the moment to connect with my son. Leave aside what my child missed!

For that matter how many times or for how long we relish the food we eat or music we listen or book we read? Let us peep into supposedly the most important part of our life, “profession”. Do you put 100 % effort into your work  in the office? Don’t you check the news or Facebook updates in the office? Don’t you chitchat in the office more than your family at home?

The first thing in morning either we repent for the worthless yesterday or plan for the coming day. Hey! Planning is not a problem, carrying the plan in your head all the time is! How about starting your day with prayer to God for bestowing us with yet another day of life? How about giving few rejuvenating moment to your mind by breathing exercises? 

We all know repenting for the past moment can gives us nothing but sorrow, and planning for distant future would fill our heart with anxiety. So what should be done? We can grossly chart the plan of your life based on our expectations from life without going into intricate details? Can you control the date of your marriage or starting family or retirement? Daily or weekly planning is must and should be  done at the end of the day but not before sleeping. Feed your mind with good thoughts before sleeping by reading your sacred scriptures may it be Gita, Bible or Quran!

Acknowledgement: I express my heartfelt gratitude to the group of enlightened souls called Golok Express,  for bestowing me with the knowledge that I could write this article. Many thanks to the LORD for choosing me as an instrument to spread this knowledge.

Disclaimer- This blog does not promote any religion, faith or sectarian thought. This blog is platform for sharing my journey to spiritualism. I apologize if any of the thought expressed in this blog is against any religious faith or belief.

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