Saturday 17 May 2014

Breathe life not air !

This write up is dedicated to Dr Andrew Wells; after reading his book “Art of Breathing”, I realized the most inexpensive, easiest and least time consuming way to get the glow on face and vigor in body is breathing in the right way. Dr Andrew explains the science, advantages and experiences with his patients in this book. And guess what? None of the diseases, whether mental or physical, is beyond the benefits of breathing technique. He admits that “Yoga” from ancient India is the roots of this “Pranayam”; and the scientists are yet to study it.

I am not going to details how it works, but yes this little change in your habit might give you immense peace and health beside radiant skin. So, lets get started:

  1.  Sit upright: Choose a silent place, sit on comfortable couch or floor, take the posture you are comfortable with but keep your spine straight and close your eyes.
  2. Get Conscious of your breath: Begin with paying attention to how you breathe i.e. feel the air moving through your nostrils. It is important to first understand the pattern of breathing before changing it.
  3.  Exhale first: Unlike we do normally; try to exhale first through your nostril until your stomach is sucked inside.
  4. Inhale into abdomen: Then inhale back to fill up your chest and stomach, so that your belly moves out with each inhalation.
  5. Breathe deeply, quietly and slowly: Have you ever noticed that your breath becomes fast and shallower when you are tensed or afraid? Repeat the above process slowly, take deep breaths but without making noise as if you are breathing peace into your body.

When can I do this?

Ideally you should practice this breathing technique; first thing after getting up in morning and just before sleeping; even 5 minute each would suffice. Once you get use to such kind of breathing, it can be practiced at any moment especially when you are under stress. Most important is regularity, keep atleast 5 minutes for it twice a day on fixed times.

Does other breathing exercise help too?
Yes!  They do. You can begin with this technique and add another breathing exercises in the morning. YouTube is treasure chest of such videos and demonstrations on “pranayama”; so let us begin now and breathe life into each cell of our body.


  1. How if we practice it twice a day but at different timings.
    Once in the morning (immediately upon wake up ) and then night time (just before sleep) but clock timings may vary since wake up timing and sleep timing may fluctuate depending upon day schedule????

    1. If you can't afford the fix time could still practice breathing once in the morning (immediately upon wake up ) and then night time (just before sleep). Infact even if you could follow breathing exercise once a day at any time that suits you, would be better than not doing it at all.
