Monday 12 January 2015

My most impressive accomplishment- Spiritualism

 “Dr Surbhi, What is your most impressive accomplishment?

Well, the obvious answer was founding my online skin care portal; but there are thousands of start-ups in every nook and corner; the more I connect with Entrepreneurs the more I realize lot of people are on this journey of following their dreams. Yes, the most impressive accomplishment is to understand what keeps adrenaline rushing through my body and perseverance and will to follow it. But what a minute from where did this came to me, of course spiritualism.

I can declare with pride that the most impressive accomplishment of my life is spiritualism; or more explicitly my surrender to Lord. Around two years back, my life was driven by everything but my intellect. Ironically I was running with but not covering any distance. Do you know why so? Because my decisions were governed by the needs of senses, people and society. I know you must be thinking what is wrong with that. I ate what I liked, forgetting what my body needed; I wore what was in trend; fitting myself into fashion though uncomfortably; I even entertained myself based on society, but all I got was a temporary high.

This year I ate healthy versus tasty, could resist those yummy cakes and instead munched on an apple with efforts in starting but now its natural. Realized wearing a smile on face and goodness in heart is the real fashion statement and on New Year eve contemplated on last year goals and charted the next year resolution not to forget them but to revise them on weekly basis.  This does not mean I don’t shop, eat cakes, or party anymore; yes I do but I am not dependent on them to be happy.

I have just started my journey to spiritual abode, and I am sure lot more clarity of thoughts is to come; I just pray to Lord to guide me all through my life!

Acknowledgement: I express my heartfelt gratitude to the group of enlightened souls called Golok Express and group of Mahatmas called Jivanmuktas,  for bestowing me with the knowledge that I could write this article. Many thanks to the LORD for choosing me as an instrument to spread this knowledge.

Disclaimer- This blog does not promote any religion, faith or sectarian thought. This blog is platform for sharing my journey to spiritualism. I apologize if any of the thought expressed in this blog is against any religious faith or belief.

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