Thursday 27 November 2014

Do I hear, respond or listen?

” Pay attention, you are not listening but hearing”, remember how our teacher used to scold us when we gave a weird answer in the class. Well, it dint make any sense at that carefree time. But now, this very difference between hearing and listening can cost me a job or even a relationship. But have I ever sat back and contemplated, do I hear, respond or listen to others?

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Hearing is defined as the “faculty of perceiving sounds”. A child watching TV might be hearing you, but doesn’t care to nod his head in acceptance or denial, more so if you are telling him to switch off the TV. But do we adults also do that? I guess giving a deaf ear to child’s complain, wife’s nagging or boss’s bragging is a good excuse to stay calm. But many a times, we are so lost in our thoughts that we are physically present but mentally absent during a discussion. No wonders our mind can travel faster than light! Here comes the significance of living in the present. All those who have read Bhagvad Gita can relate ‘hearing” to Mode of ignorance or tamsik guna.

Responding is one step forward because here you are hearing and responding too, but what? Your point of view of that discussion. But what is wrong in that? It’s the same difference between sympathy and empathy. When we see the world with tinted glasses of our preconceived notions, more precisely “what we think is right” rather than “what is right”, then we respond and not listen. No doubt responding is defined assaying something in reply”.  This is the characteristic of mode of Passion or rajasik guna according to the Bhagvad Gita.

On the other hand, listening is defined as taking notice of and act on what someone says; respond to advice or a request.” If we look at literal meaning, responding and listening is similar, but we see it from spiritual point of view listening signifies “empathy” and hearing means ”sympathy”. Listening comes from keeping our pre-conceived notions aside and giving the advice based on righteousness, dharma and for the greater good. Listening is characteristic of mode of goodness or satvik guna.

As we trod this path of spiritualism that culminates in Dharma or righteousness; lamentation becomes but a thing of past and anxiety of future has no entry and the present moment takes the forefront. There is complete synchronization of mind, intellect and action that too in direction of Dharma. Then where lies the home of hearing or responding in such state? Isn’t this journey from hearing to listening, a journey to spiritual abode?

Acknowledgement: I express my heartfelt gratitude to the group of enlightened souls called Golok Express and group of Mahatmas called Jivanmuktas,  for bestowing me with the knowledge that I could write this article. Many thanks to the LORD for choosing me as an instrument to spread this knowledge.

Disclaimer- This blog does not promote any religion, faith or sectarian thought. This blog is platform for sharing my journey to spiritualism. I apologize if any of the thought expressed in this blog is against any religious faith or belief.


  1. Well presented thoughts to awaken the Listening component in all of us...Great Job...!!!!

    1. Thanks Nikhil, Its the thoughts of Golak Express, I have only penned them down.

  2. Vibhay,

    Thanks for the kind words of appreciation!
